Emma Jayne Holmes-Jones – ‘Snowdon’ Paintings
Oil on board
123×83 cm
Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. Here, Emma Jayne Holmes-Jones paints a view of the summit of the mountain. She initially trained as a printmaker, but following graduation met a painter and developed a studio-based practice in oils. Over 30 years she has moved between still-life and landscape painting, with time also sketching people and life drawing. She observes and records her environment and is keen to get out and learn more about it. Daily dog walks provide regular observation for notes and sketches. Paths, tracks, and rivers often feature, leading the viewer into the artwork. Over the past year, she has been out sketching volunteer activities with countryside rangers in an attempt to better understand the local impact of climate change. In 2019 she returned to study for a Master at the School of Art, Aberystwyth University.
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