"In 1959 an almoner named Sheridan Russell hung a painting on a wall of a London Hospital, Sheridan passionately believed in the healing potential of artists creative endeavours,...
Sandra-Bruce Gordon – House of Lords
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"In 1959 an almoner named Sheridan Russell hung a painting on a wall of a London Hospital, Sheridan passionately believed in the healing potential of artists creative endeavours,...
Every day we see the positive impact art can have for patients, healthcare workers, carers and communities. The Affordable Art Fair is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself...
Last week 15 new artworks from our collection arrived at the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit at University Hospital Llandough. The new artworks were carefully chosen through a...
Artist Maisie Broadhead, whose work features in the Paintings in Hospitals collection, is the winner of the Gender (In)Equality and Health category of the Global Health...