Suggest a care site
Every purchase supports people in care settings to access beautiful art to improve health and wellbeing
Suggest a care site
Does your hospital have blank walls? Does your GP surgery need new art? Let us know and we’ll see what we can do!
We approach lots of health and social care sites across the country to offer our artworks and activities. We want to work with all care organisations but we especially want to know which care sites need our help most urgently.
If you know of a care site that is in desperate need of our art and creative activities, follow the link below to nominate them.
We’ll get in touch with the care site and see what we can do to help. (Don’t worry, we’ll never reveal your identity.) While we fundraise to greatly subsidise the cost of art loans, we do ask for a contribution from the care site.
Suggest a care site now…
About our collection
Our art collection is the only national arts in health collection. Over 1,000 artists are represented, including Bridget Riley, Antony Gormley, Maggi Hambling, Yinka Shonibare, Gillian Ayres, Ian Davenport and many more and many more.
Paintings in Hospitals makes it easy for health and community care services to benefit from our art.

Who We Are

What We Do

Why Art Matters